Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Obama's Healthcare summit

I realize this is a bit late in coming but I couldn't help feeling frustrated listening to the Healthcare summit last Thursday. To be fair upfront, I felt both Democrats and some Republicans did have good ideas about things that should be in the healthcare legislation. The Republican did have some really good ideas for reform such as allowing insurance companies to sell insurance over state lines so that people would have more choice over insurance. I also liked the emphasis that Senator Coburn placed on the fact that more should be done to promote preventive care since that reduces costs by keeping people well.

I wanted very much to take a non partisan view on the summit but I couldn't help feeling a bit irritated with the Republicans. Like I said they did have some good ideas but they also couldn't seem to stop mentioning how they felt taxes would rise, how the deficit would increase if the healthcare bill was passed in its current form. They kept citing how the Congressional Budget Office reported that the bill would raise taxes and also used the town hall meetings that were held this summer as examples of how the public doesn't want this bill Its probably true that taxes would rise if the bill is passed but its as if Republicans don't see that if this bill isn't passed then healthcare costs might just rise higher than taxes. A lot of them seemed to be all for starting over again from scratch.

It was interesting to see how both parties presented their main points, Democrats focused a lot on bringing up stories about people in their districts who had preexisting conditions and how those people would be helped by the plan. In contrast Republicans focused a lot of attention on how the public would be hurt by it. It was interesting how they were so polarized.

I do think it was good that at least both parties agreed something had to be done to reform healthcare but the Democrats seemed to be the only party that really wanted to do something constructive. They seemed to have clearer ideas of how to help people with preexisting conditions and reform Medicaid. Democrats also had ideas that might address some of the concerns of the Republicans but the Republicans seemed to be focused on what the bill wouldn't do and how it could hurt people. Its like all they want is the status quo and although they have proposed reforms I fear their hearts aren't really in it.

I came away from the summit feeling a bit depressed I know it was only a summit and not a vote but I fear that because Democrats don't have enough votes to override a filibuster the bill might die when its voted on. Still, a vote is probably a long way off and I hope that maybe Republicans and Democrats can work out there differences and pass a bill that really solves problems in the healthcare system.

I realize Republicans and Democrats are going to differ because they have different philosophies and I respect that and I see that Republicans like a lot of people don't want to feel like the government is interfering with their lives. However I also feel like healthcare is something many uninsured Americans can't go with without for much longer and it might take government intervention to help people get the coverage they need.

If you want to read some of the transcripts of what was said in the summit please go to: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/special/politics/health-summit.html?hpid=topnews.

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