Thursday, March 11, 2010

I can drink my beer while living my on-the-go lifestyle

Trends and fads seem to fluctuate in our society as people interests wain in and out. One that seems to have stuck though is our need to be thinner and thinner. The American people want to be skinny, but having to actually have to work at it doesn't seem fun. That is probably why in 2006 the weight-loss product industry made $36 billion dollars. It just seems so much easier just eating food by Jenny Craig or any other various weigh company. There are also whole body cleanses, drinks, shakes, and any other possible product that is supposed to help you lose weight. The idea of having fewer calories in a product has been available in the beer industry since the '70s. Coors light came out in 1975 while Bud light wasn't until 1982. Now the newest product is MGD 64, which boasts being the lowest calorie beer out there. There commercials are hard to miss with one person at a beer ordering MGD 64, while the other person gets another alcoholic drink and the shape of the glass is distorted to show how little they will get. Here is the Link:( I thought what was the most interesting part about MGD 64 is their target audience. On the MGD64 website in their about section they say that beer lovers can now have a beer that "complements their on-the-go lifestyles." I had never associated MGD64 as a trendy drink. It is interesting to see that the beer industry has such a encompassing market that they are able to market to various audiences. It just seems a shame to me though to waste the quality of a product so that people won't feel fat while enjoying a cold beer. I think that people can enjoy beer and live a healthy lifestyle, it's actually quite easy drink in moderation. Instead of drinking 3 to 4 MGD64, have a nice pint of Guinness with only 153 calories!

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