Sunday, March 14, 2010

McDonalds Branding - Men vs. Women

All I have heard for the past month is “Give me back that Filet ‘O Fish, Give me that fish…” or some version of those lyrics. Why? Because the men in my life have decided that they enjoy the catchy tune. Do they know the lyrics? No. Do they know the brand? Yes.


This is a case of branding. Not only do they have THE Golden Arches, Ronald McDonald, and the Hamburgler, but they also have commercials that burn into your brain. Now, when I see the Golden Arches, I can’t help but here “Give me back that Filet ‘O fish, Give me that Fish.”

Does that mean I am going to run to the closet McDonalds and buy a Filet ‘O Fish. No. Would my male counterparts? Possibly. If not a Filet ‘O Fish, maybe a burger and fries.

This commercial seems to target men more than women. This begs the question: Why? Are men more likely to eat McDonalds than women? And why did McDonalds decide to target men with their Filet ‘O Fish?

When they were promoting salads and healthier fares, women were the target audience, but those commercials were not memorable, nor did they have any real creativity behind them.

This isn’t the first time McDonald’s has targeted men or children with a catchy tune or a laughable quality. Does anyone remember the Cha Cha Slide Ad? Clap, clap, clap your hands. The son and husband are shown enjoying McDonalds, while the women look on. It makes it look like eating the food is fun. What they don’t tell you are how many calories are in each bite. Maybe that’s why men and children are targeted. Use branding to attract men and children to their restaurants, and give women the option of a salad.

Have you seen any memorable McDonald’s commercials? Why do you think children and men are most frequently targeted in their ads?

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