Thursday, February 11, 2010

Snow? What snow?

What. Up.

First off, can I say that I think I have made the wrong decision in life of what to be when I grow up..... why would I want to be anything else other than a weather man. Tell me, what job is there that you can be wrong MORE than 50% of the time and still keep your job? Oh, thats right, A WEATHERMAN! Yes its fun to get out of work early every once in a blue moon, or get a snow day from school, but the real problem is the economic impact of these warnings. Last night Boston was a ghost town. Shops and restaurants all closed. These small business all lost tons of potential sales and there was basically no reason for it.

Was it a lot safer for the workers......... yes, and had it been as bad as they thought......yes it would have been the right call, and I guess its still better to be safe than sorry, but still! These guys never get it right.

Yes, they knew D.C. was getting hit hard, thats because all they had to do was watch the news crews get blown over........

very frustrating...... I guess I am glad I'm going into communications

So about the super bowl, GREAT game! Who Dat! It brought tears of joy to my eyes to see Peyton Manning lose. The Colts got by on one of the easiest NFL schedules this year and with all the hate Tom Brady gets and all love Manning gets, maybe, just maybe his performance here in the super bowl will put the argument of who is better to rest. If it had not been for that miracle catch by David Tyree a few years ago, we would not even be having this discussion, but after this super bowl, I think the answer is clear, Peyton Manning isn't even better than Drew Brees.....

As much as I think everyone enjoys my sports feedback, onto the commercials.....

I dont get super bowl commercials..... for example.... the Bud Light commercial featuring the baby Clydesdale and calf had to be one of the worst most pointless commercials I have ever seen. Who's job was it to spend 3 million dollars of ad time for that? What did that that have to do with Bud Light..... I guess I have a lot more schooling to do and things to learn, because people actually liked that commercial! I would love to know who these people people are. Do they just like horses? Please someone give me that job! For the most part, I feel this way about most commercials played during the super bowl.....

however, whoever thought up this commercial should be praised, and in my opinion earned his salary ..... Did anyone see the Dodge Charger Commercial featuring Michael C. Hall's voice over.... click here if you missed it........ this commercial was to the point and direct. It was funny and appealed to its main audience, MEN. The commercial hooked you in with real life things that men do, made men seem lame and whipped and made you think.....what is this for????? then boom! The Charger crashes out onto the screen and your told, this is why men do those thing..... to drive a kick-ass car! It was funny, well branded, and reached the right audience.


Man's Last Stand,

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