Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Battle for Healthcare

Well, perhaps healthcare debate isn't quite dead yet. The way I see it, the healthcare debate seems a bit like a volcano it was really active when the debate exploded for a while and now its dormant. At least Obama is keeping the dialogue open by having a summit about the issue. Its interesting how Republicans and Democrats are so divided about the issue on Feb 25. Yes, there are things Republicans and democrats agree on like the need to stop Medicare from growing so fast and the need to emphasize preventive care but other than those points, everything the Democrats want, the Republicans are adamantly opposed to and vice versa. But I guess maybe its that way with every issue.

Republicans have come out with their version of the healthcare bill and it does reportedly make it easier for insurance companies to sell insurance across state lines which could bring costs down. They also want to set up for high risk groups like those with pre-existing conditions so they could compare and buy health insurance. However the Republican version does not cover as many people and I fear that even with having pools for people with pre-existing conditions insurance companies could still refuse them coverage because it doesn't look like the plan would compel insurance companies to cover these individuals. Basically the Republican plan wants as little government intervention as possible although they would offer federal funds for states who reduce premiums. However Republicans also want the current bill to be scrapped and start over at the beginning.

I'm biased because I really want some legislation to go through, and quickly. However, I fear that for healthcare reform to really work, its probably going to need government intervention. Under the Republican plan employers would have to provide health insurance. I'm not sure how states or businesses would be able to pay for that if they're already struggling because of the economy. I think the government is going to have step in and provide funding in order for more people to be covered because I don't see businesses being able to do it by themselves.

As for the summit, I really hope it helps work out the different views Republicans and Democrats have but I worry that it might just divide them further.

Sources: "On Healthcare, GOP's New Road Map" New York Times Online: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/02/09/health/policy/09health.html

"Obama Plans Bipartisan Summit on Healthcare": http://www.nytimes.com/2010/02/09/health/policy/09health.html


  1. Isn't there also an ideological difference? We were discussing the same issue in another class this week. Now, Democrats believe it is federal government's responsibility to provide health care(which is the point of view of many Western countries) whereas Republicans are for limited government interaction. It is good that both parties agree on the fact that a universal health care is necessary. The execution of this idea is debated due to this ideological/philosophical differences.

    Can you see an agreement which can satisfy the needs of health care needs of the people as well as the ideological concerns?

  2. I don't know if there will ever be a plan that can satisfy all ideological concerns as well as peoples' healthcare needs. I feel like they are so divided that something is going to have to be sacrificed and what's being sacrificed now is healthcare reform. I do see why people would be against a government plan. The idea that we'd all have to buy health insurance is scary for people that have been so used to doing things their own way without government interference. I wish I could think of something that would balance the ideological concerns with the need for reform but I can't right now.
