Thursday, January 28, 2010

how about, “I don’t give up on YOU,”

What. up.

For todays blog post, I had several ideas. Originally I was going to talk about Avatar, if you don't know what Avatar is... you should probably check your pulse because there is a good chance your dead. Besides I did my Avatar blog on my personal blog...

Then I thought, I could do it on that cool story about the head girls basketball coach from Olathe Northwest high school in Kansas who hit the prank half court shot to win Final Four tickets but due to the fact it was a prank, he ended up with a gift card to a mexican restaurant.. (if your not sure what I'm talking about here, good, i spend way to much time on the internet, its a problem, i know)

Instead, I'm deciding to talk about last nights State of the Union, Thanks to Professor Payne, I was able to make it home just in time to watch the whole thing, even had time to make some popcorn...

So with basketball on the mind..... where do I begin

With one minute left to go in the game and Team Obama up by 10 points….The President was in position to finish the game with a brilliant 3 point “swoosh” into the basket…..but like in any great basketball game…the same goes for political agendas as well…”The Major Upset.” Team Brown came out of nowhere and blocked the Presidents shot. Immediately…the Presidents healthcare bill was put to rest along with a good percentage of his already prepared State of the Union “victory speech,” which many assumed would be applauding the past month’s efforts to finally pass a healthcare bill. With healthcare now a no-go and Massachusetts (the bluest state in the Nation) rejecting his agenda…the President not only had to go back to the drawing board with his speech (most likely the reason why it was released very late Wednesday night to the press) but also had a PR crisis on his hands. In order to deal this "late in the game" blow, the President had to re-direct his message and twist some of his words/numbers to smooth the situation over. Below are 2 experts from the President’s State of the Union speech, that when looked at closely, display his brilliant PR spin.

President Obama: "Because of the steps we took, there are about 2 million Americans working right now who would otherwise be unemployed. ... And we are on track to add another one and a half million jobs to this total by the end of the year."

Fact: Early last year, President Obama pushed through an economic stimulus package that was approved by Congress. This package has been a main focus on his administration because of the promise of job creation. At the time, the nation was extremely worn down from all the controversy surrounding the economic meltdown, big bank payouts and lack of compliance within Wall Street. Americans were out of jobs and hopeful that Obama’s “Change we can believe in,” would quickly turn into a change for the better regarding the job market. This winter, the administration reported that recipients of assistance from the government created or saved about 650,000 jobs. However this number was solely based on self-reporting by recipients and it was found that some of the calculations were shown to be incorrect. The 2 million jobs, that the President said were created because of the package was simply not true, however to many Americans not honing in on the false statement, and his positive spin on the numbers, gave them the impression that the stimulus did work, and they can in fact still believe in the “change” once promised to them.

President Obama: "And in the last year, hundreds of al-Qaida's fighters and affiliates, including many senior leaders, have been captured or killed — far more than in 2008."

Fact: The President is claiming in the above statement that he has been more successful than President Bush in capturing and killing terrorists. That is truly impossible to claim. Why? The Bush administration nor the Obama administration has ever published the number of enemy body counts. Nor have they ever published reports on the count of those killed by classified information or armed drones in the Pakistan-Afghanistan border region. When listening to his speech and the tone of his voice, one would think (without further checking the facts) that the President has been “hard” on terrorism…far more than President Bush. This worked in Obama’s favor because of the chaos surrounding his decisions to bring terrorist to Untied States prisons. The President once again twisted his word in such a brilliant way, which allowed him to continue to blame the last administration, without saying it directly.

Finally, and I think you all knew I was going here.....

In the history of the State of the Union has any President ever called out the Supreme Court by name, and egged on the Congress to jeer a Supreme Court decision?... while the Justices were seated politely before him surrounded by hundreds of matter what the it just me or do you just not do that!

ok I'm done, but I leave with you with this quote....and you all know who its from! After watching last night, this is exactly what I need....

"My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man.

Finally, whether you are citizens of America or citizens of the world, ask of us the same high standards of strength and sacrifice which we ask of you. With a good conscience our only sure reward, with history the final judge of our deeds, let us go forth to lead the land we love, asking His blessing and His help, but knowing that here on earth God's work must truly be our own."

-J. Spencer

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